
How to log a donation in the CRM

When your client's organization receives a contribution from a contact, you can add it to their record. This will be done automatically if the payment is made through CiviCRM

Creating Contribution Forms

This section describes setting up online contribution forms where visitors to your website can make donations to your organization.

Creating Pledges

In this article, we will go over how to enter pledges into the CRM and send reminders with a link to pay the pledge online

Importing Contributions - Preparing your Spreadsheet

To make sure the contributions apply to the correct person there are a few options: Using a duplicate rule...

Add Select Option to Specify What a Donation is For

In this article, we will go over how you can add a field to your Contribution page so that your donors have the option of specifying what the donation is...

Making Donation Thank-You Letters

Search for contribution records you want to generate a receipt for Navigate to: Contributions > Find Contributions...

Sending Thank you Receipts

You can find the option to send a donation receipt or thank you letter directly from the option menu on the contribution listing...

Quick Receipt for last donations

Tutorial video to create receipts for last donations..

Working with Automated Receipts

Automated Receipts are automatic emails that the CRM sends out when something is completed in the CRM. For example, there is a...

End of Year Thank-you letters

The payment token used in the end-of-year letters will include all contributions where the status is set to 'completed' and the contribution's financial type is set to 'deductible'

Finding your Signature Key

Log into the Merchant Interface at Click Settings, under the 'account' section in the...

How to set up summary fields

Summary Fields make it easier to search for major donors, recent donors, lapsed donors as well as to show a synopsis of a donor’s history

Using the Percentage Price Field Extension

Once the extension has been enabled on your account you can add the Percentage Price Field in a price set.

Using Price Sets

When you are creating a contribution or event page, you will have a 10-item, radio button-style fee table

Adding a Campaign donation in the backend

Learn how to add a campaign donation in the backend with this tutorial video.

Donate Page Settings

To update or amend the CS Donation page: Navigate to Administration > Fundraising > Donate Page Settings page.

Issue with Reccurning Contributions with Stripe

From there click the 'Update/Create Webhook' button. If you receive an error message, then you need to go to your stripe account click on...

Initial Contribution Configurations

Chabad Suite provides you with the ability to take payments online on your website. You can take payments for a variety of...


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